MODERATOR: Jordan French

Jordan French is an award-winning journalist and the Executive Editor at Grit Daily News, his sixth company.
Following work as an engineer and a two-year stint as an enforcement attorney at the Federal Energy French grew his first company, (as CEO and COO) to Fast 50 and Inc. 500 rankings and his first exit/buy out. At BeeHex, his third company, French 3D printed food -- including pizza you eat -- for astronauts.
On the editorial staff at TheStreet.com, Jordan French is a columnist or regular contributor to The Next Web, Inno & Tech Today, Entrepreneur, CIO.com, TechCrunch, Tech.co, Huffington Post, business.com, Outlier magazine, and Influencive. French also served on the leadership
team at FOWNDERS, the social-impact startup accelerator serving entrepreneurs internationally and based in Newark, New Jersey.
Prior to his media, entrepreneurship and legal careers, French worked as a payload engineer for NASA's Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program. He also worked on micro-electro-mechanical devices, Free Electron Laser beam delivery systems and on a XML bariatric Medical Intake Chair at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. French holds a degree in biomedical engineering from Vanderbilt University and his law degree from Washington University in St. Louis.
Saturday Morning 4th Feb Conference